Food Coop Located at Prominent Neighborhood Intersection

Master Plan

Selective Destruction and Rebuilding to Re-Knit Community

Cleared Lot with New Playground

House Constructed from Destroyed Buildings with Rooftop Greenhouse


Brighton Road Urban Farming

Bachelor of Architecture Project, 2006
Carnegie Mellon University
Site: Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Design Partners: Nina Marie Barbuto, Jenna Kappelt

Joining dense urban planning with strategically-located urban farmland, this design creates a unique identity for the people that live in the three neighborhoods that border Brighton Road. Redevelopment would be supported by urban farming and an adjoining food cooperative to sell the locally-grown food. Materials of demolished buildings would be reused in the construction of infill development and existing structures would be adapted to farming use on the southern slopes of the site. Pedestrian paths would connect urban farming and new commercial, centered around a Food Cooperative, with elements such as benches and parks constructed from the materials of demolished buildings.